I stayed and visited with Mitzi, Al, Christian, Aly, and Logan and got caught up on what they were up to. We went to a Mexican food place and had good food and margaritas. Then we came home and played SCENE IT. I am NOT good at that game. I think I may have even fallen asleep. But I think I made some noises every once in a while which turned out to be right answers and gave my team a point or two :)
The next morning we went out for brunch at a really cool place and attached is a really cool store, and we had to go into the store and take some pictures of us trying on unique hats. Actually Aly was sick and Christian was with a friend so they didn't join us.
Al and Nicholas got ready to go camping for a few days at Mahoney State Park, between Omaha and Lincoln. Aly was going to go, but she got sick, and Christian had to work. After a stormy night last night, they faired well, and Mitzi and Christian went out to visit them for the day. Hope they enjoy the rest of their camping trip.
Mitzi and I think that Mahoney State Park might be a great place for a Hopkins reunion if people are interested. Check out their website. They have 6 bedroom cabins, 4 bedroom cabins, and 2 bedroom cabins I think. Anyway it would be more expensive than the place in Tuscaloosa, but it could be a great place. There is camping there too if people would opt to camp, but it would be in a different area. There's a nice water park, fishing in the Platte River, water activities on a small lake there, and even a theater for movies. We would have to make plans soon to reserve cabins for next summer. An idea.
Here are some pictures of us being silly at the store.
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