Thursday, March 10, 2011

Visit With Buddy and Heather and Family

We left San Antonio to travel to Omaha to see a special school play, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Coat, and both my great nephews are in it. Christian, the senior, has the lead role so we had to drive up to see the play. On the way we stopped in Haslet, TX to visit my nephew and his family. We picked the BEST time to visit. We got to go to their school Book Fair, their school concert, and their open house. It was all very impressive, and I'm so glad we got to see what they're doing in their school. It was all amazing!!!!!

Reading a book that Naddie picked.

Mom and Garrison, who just won a race at their Special Olympics. Go Garrison.
The girls picked their own books and paid for them themselves.

Sharing books.

The concert.

Rachel, the singer.
The family minus Garrison.
Proud Mom.

Crazy Mom. Kimbo doing akimbo.
Angelic Kimbo doing akimbo.

Love that book.

Kimbo doing akimbo.
One of Kimbo's teachers

Showing off some school work.

Showing her progress in reading this year. Go Kimbo.

The math board.

Another teacher/Mom's friend too.

Artwork by Kimbo.

Rachel's work.
Showing off her work to Mom.

Fantastic work about the moon.
More great work.

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