Monday, January 12, 2009

Swimming In Outdoor Pool

Not to rub it in, but the big news lately is that Lucy got to swim in an outdoor pool on Jan. 5 and 6. The water temp was 83 or 85 and the air temp was upper 70's. That's very do-able.

A gentleman who was swimming asked if I was posing for Playboy. I replied, "Oh, you recognize me?"

This is my Esther Williams pose.

There she goes!!!!!!! What form!!!!!!
Meanwhile, although there are no pictures as proof, Bob has been working for his sister. He has painted her master bedroom and her master bathroom. He has also taken out her two old sinks and faucets and replaced them with new ones. He also installed a new headboard she bought for her bed. It all looks very nice. Bob also makes time to go for walks, ride his bicycle, and go to interesting events in the area.

ONe night we got all dressed up to go to an arts festival at a swanky hotel. They were going to serve complimentary drinks and hors doorves (sp) and inform the public of the arts in the area and probably to get people to support the arts, but when we got there we discovered it had been canceled. Guess why? It conflicted with the Florida vs Oklahoma football game to determine 1st place. Pretty ironic I think. Arts vs Sports. Well we know what wins out.

Well Charlene, Bob's sister, seems to still be able to tolerate us being in her home. We enjoy her company and have enjoyed our visit here. Our plans are to be here till the end of the month. Then we will be off to Alabama for a couple of days and then to Susie's in San ANtonio till the end of winter which is probably May.

When we see the weather reports in Iowa, we are very happy to be in Florida instead of fighting snow, ice, and cold weather.

Happy Birthday to Al and Rosemary and to Drew. Congratulations to Cassie and Mike for the birth of their new son, Wyatt Thomas Shoup. Our family continues to grow and to age. That's a good thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You Suck. However, we love you anyway and we're glad you're having fun. This morning on my way to work it was 1 degree. AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGH. Miss you.