"So Long, Farewell, Aufweidersein, Good - Bye." At last (about 3 1/2 hours later.) Time to go home!!!!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Susie's Surgery
"So Long, Farewell, Aufweidersein, Good - Bye." At last (about 3 1/2 hours later.) Time to go home!!!!!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Yardwork for Susie's friend, Mrs. Thomas
Monday, February 16, 2009
Ouch!!! That Hurts!!!
Another tricky question, "Can you tell which finger it is? It's hard when more than one finger may look crooked and could be broken, but only one actually is.
Look at the picture below to get the answers to the two questions. You can see the first aid that was given to Susie at school. Ice pack and a wrap to try to imobilize her left pinky finger.
She was taken into the Trauma Room after about an hour of waiting.
Doctor finally examines finger. Sends her to X-Ray.
It's about 10:30 pm, and she is resting comfortably. But tomorrow she'll probably be going to work. Don't worry I'll not be her right hand, but I'll try to be her left hand or her left pinky finger.
Valentine Lunch with Niece, Amy, and Husband, JR
More About Susie's Camp Write a Lot
Every day Susie welcomed and dismissed the campers using the bullhorn, static and all.
Susie the TV Star
Monday, February 9, 2009
Camp Write a Lot with Susie
I helped Susie fish. I was behind the stand, and I handed her the fish with the steps and pointers for getting ideas for writing.
She read a scary story in the dark with a flashlight to highlight her face for an eerie effect. Afterwards she challenged the students to write their own scary stories. It'll be fun to hear some of their stories tomorrow. To her right, notice the makeshift fire using UT pom poms.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
San Antonio, Texas
San Antonio's weather is also great. Winter here is like spring for us in Iowa. I am definitely NOT complaining.
Friday, I went to school with Susie again and helped her in her library, mostly shelving books for her. Bob went out looking for a temporary job so he can keep busy doing something. Substitute teaching may be out of the picture because you have to apply way in advance, and they are no longer taking applications.
Sat. Susie and I did errands and visited an elderly friend of Susie's. She's the mother of one of Susie's good friends. Susie keeps an eye on her on the weekends to help out. We had dinner with Amy and JR that night. It was fun to visit with them. We'll be seeing more of them. Oh I should have taken a picture. OK. Another time.
Today after church and after lunch we went to visit Susie's elderly friend again. She is wanting Bob to spruce up her yard, trimming, etc. to make it look better. So Bob plans to do that.
I'll mostly be helping Susie at school as needed. Of course there's always something to do. She's getting ready for a "Writing Camp" and I've helped her a little to get ready for that. It's a fun way for the 4th grade students to get ready for the writing portion of TAKS (Texas's standarized testing.) I'll try to take some pictures of her tomorrow to show how she's decorated her library as a camp with a huge tent and other props. It should be fun for her and for the kids.
We are enjoying our visit with Susie so far. She's a great person and lots of fun. I'm so lucky to have such great sisters and brother (of course.)
More Magic in Alabama
Kathy and Jeannie enjoying the show.
Then we visited Buddy's grandchildren at Jeannie's house for Bob to do some magic fun with Chris, Will, and cousin, Casey.
Buddy and Jeannie enjoying the show.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Super Bowl Party in Alabama
I went to my very first Super Bowl Party here in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. My sister's son and family were attending the party with their friends and they invited us. So we had some fun watching the game, the commercials, eating and visiting.
From left to right. Niece, Jessica, great nephew, Dexter, niece in-law,Karen, and sister,Kathy.
At right is nephew, Joe. Next to him is one of his good long time friends.
Summer playing basketball instead of watching football.
The kids decided to watch a video instead of watching the football game.