Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Meals From the Heartland

Every year around the Labor Day Weekend time, there is an event called Meals From the Heartland.  Bob and I have participated several years and decided to make the drive down to Des Moines again this year.  We worked 2 two hour shifts packaging meals to be sent all over the world.  The goal this year was 5 million meals, and they met the goal.  It's an amazing event.  You work with a team of about 10 people.  In a plastic bag, we put in a soy product, rice, dried veggies, and a vitamin  powder.  Then we hot seal it and pack it.  You get to meet some interesting people and feel good that you're making a difference in someone's life by providing food.  They also take donations to cover the cost of the ingredients and the shipping, etc. so we always like to make a donation as well.  It's a small thing for us to do, but when combined with the efforts of others, it becomes a huge. thing.

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