Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Susie and Lucy in Ft. Worth With the Hopkins Family

Heather, my niece in Ft. Worth, went on a trip with some good friends to help with her healing process of losing our beloved Buddy.  While she was away, my sister, Susie, and I took over the  household with these wonderful four children, Garrison, Rachel, Kimbo, and Naddie.  We found out how much work and fun it is to be with these awesome kids.  There was never a dull moment.

We started out by making brownies for the family's dear friend who was celebrating his birthday.  As you can see, Kimbo was in charge of that, and she did a fabulous job.

This may look like a dull moment, but it's just Naddie being exhausted after doing all that she does.

 Rachel doing Homework?  No, it looks more electronic. And she's smiling

Susie keeping up with her electronic life.

This is how Naddie went to bed just about every night.  Susie is soooooo strong.

 Paying X Box or Wii or something.

One of Garrison's favorite foods is bacon.  He also loves pancakes.
 Rachel was babysitting.  She was doing a great job.  Rock a bye baby, in a tree top.

Jay Dog is such a good dog.  He loves lounging around with Kimbo.  She  must be pooped after making the brownies.

But the next morning she was up early to go for a running event with her PE teacher from school who picked her up, took her, and brought her back home.  It takes a village.  Look at those muscles.  I think she works out.

Meanwhile, Naddie gets up and has breakfast at her leisure

Reading time with Susie.

You can tell by his face, he loved the brownies.

 Later in the day I took Rachel and Naddie to a fund raiser benefit for a friend with health issues.  Here they are ready for a hay ride.

They enjoyed the petting zoo.

Spaghetti is another one of Garrison's favorite foods.  He is a growing boy.

Another exhausting day for Naddie.

Oops.  Out of order.  Kimbo riding her bike.
 See.  Susie taking Naddie to bed again.

One day our cousin, Susie, and her son, Travis, came over for a nice visit.  They went out to ride bikes and scooters.

Here's Travis.  He didn't really want to wear that pink helmet but he did.

Here you can see he took off the pink helmet.  I guess he'll be fine.

These elbow cousins enjoy each others' company every time they visit.  Travis and Kimbo are the same age and have similar interests so they especially get along.

Out of order.  Every night the Elf on the Shelf went to the North Pole to report on the kids' behavior.  When he returned each morning it was fun to find out where he was.
The Elf on the Shelf getting into our cherry pie.  I have to admit, it was pretty good.

Here is our cousin, Susie, and son, Travis.  We so enjoy visiting with them every time we're in Ft. Worth.

While there, there were days that were colder than back home in Iowa.  They know how to dress though because they used to live in Omaha.  Good practice for these few days in Texas that are actually quite chilly.

Have you heard of the bed hair look.  If not, this is what it looks like.  Thanks, Kimbo.

Kimbo and Naddie had a Christmas Party piano recital and we were supposed to take treats.  Susie had the best recipe.  You crush mint oreo cookies, cream in some cream cheese and mix.  Then you form them into balls and then you dip them in melted chocolate.  Mmmmm Goooood.

Susie and I took a couple of times out of our busy days to visit Naddie and Kimbo at school during lunch time.  It was fun to break up the day and enjoy their company.

Here we are at the Christmas Party piano recital.  While some of the students played their pieces, the other kids played musical chairs.  Neat idea to have fun while the kids were playing their pieces.

Naddie actually won the first one.

Another out of order.  Rachel also knows how to bundle up from her Omaha experience.

Back to the recital.  Naddie playing a duet with her teacher.

Another out of order picture.  This is Rachel practicing her cello.  She's doing a great job.  She even made a little recording for her mom for Christmas with the help of her teacher.

One evening, the school had a special  night where Santa was there and there were all kinds of treats and crafts to do.  It was a really fun event.

This was reindeer day at school for Kimbo and Naddie.  They could pass as reindeer, don't you think.  Their brother was impressed.  Right?

Naddie had written a letter to Santa and she presented it to him at the school event.

 Back to the recital.  Kimbo did an amazing job on her piano performance.  She had done some practicing at home so we knew she'd do a great job.

Back to the school event.  This is a cookie that Naddie decorated.  You can see that she also enjoyed eating it.

Rachel helping Naddie and Kimbo decorate Christmas ornaments.

Here is Kimbo's Christmas ornament she made at the school event.

Here is Naddie's ornament.

Hopefully this gives you a taste of some of the fun Susie and I had at the Hopkins's in December.  So long until the next time we get  to share special times with them.

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