Monday, May 24, 2010

Bob's Grandson's, Brett's, Preschool Graduation

Last Thursday, Bob was honored to be able to attend his grandson's, Brett's, preschool graduation in Pomeroy. First he went to his daughter's house to have a little visit and to eat some pizza. Here is their house.

Here is Bob's daughter and her family. That's Stacy, Curt (husband), Brett on the left, and older brother, Dane.

Brett and Dane switched places in this picture.

Here is the graduate, Bret.

The Program.

Brett marching in.

Brett waiting patiently.

Brett still waiting patiently.

Are Brett and the others still waiting patiently? OK. Let's get on with it. The teacher's name is Lisa, and she was one of Bob's former students.

Performing a song.

Brett receiving his diploma.

Proud diploma holders. Congratualtions.

Some of the year's art work.

Books they created.

The goodies table.

Proud parents.

Graduation reward. MMMMmmm. Good. What a cute graduate!!!!!

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