Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Christian's First Job

On our way home we visited Aly and Logan in Manhattan, but we enjoyed our visit so much I forgot to take any pictures.

Then we visited the Cardonas in Omaha. Sat. morning before we left Omaha I had to take pictures of Christian signing his papers for his first job. Here, Al, is guiding him where to sign, etc. Notice his T-shirt. It says BOUNCE U because that's where he works. And he's a Party Pro. Does that suit him or what? He gets to host parties at this place where they get to have fun bouncing on inflated equipment. And he gets to bounce with them.

Then the rest of us went out to breakfast. I'm not sure if everyone was wide awake or not. Or did they just not want their pictures taken?

Bob and I are wide awake and ready to go. Great breakfast and it was great to be with the Cardonas again.

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